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Lead Finder

Find local prospects for your business by analyzing website technologies they are using and their location

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Find leads by industry, location, and website technologies used

Get a quick analysis of your leads' SEO and traffic performance

Spot the best opportunities and add them to our CRM

Pitch your services based on Semrush insights and increase the chance of closing a deal

Win new clients with a data-driven email outreach

Discover leads in minutes

With just a few clicks, generate a list of leads by the technology your potential clients are using on their website, and their location.

Once you generate this list, you will get a detailed analysis of your leads’ performance.

Analyze your leads

Measure the potential of your leads by taking a deep dive into detailed profiles, which includes their marketing, analytics, and website development tools, as well as website health and traffic insights.

Quickly discern whether a prospect is worth pursuing based on these qualifying data points.

Work with the most relevant prospects

Funnel your leads into our CRM and start the client workflow: create tasks and pitch decks and automate your reporting, all in one easy-to-reach location.